Knowledge Center

Associate Spotlight: Rachael Ausmus, VP Commercial Lending


Q&A with Rachael Ausmus, Vice President, Commercial Lender


Rachael Ausmus photoDescribe your role as a commercial lender at Country Club Bank.

I’m considered a generalist commercial lender; however, I do focus heavily on professional services, medical and nonprofits. Witnessing the meaningful work that our KC nonprofit community performs really “fills my bucket” and gives me an even greater sense of civic pride.

How did you get into banking?

My choice of banking as a career was influenced by my grandmother, who broke barriers for women in banking during the 1980s and 1990s. Beginning as a teller, she worked her way up and was on the forefront of the treasury and technology side of banking—working with large companies with a global footprint—by the time she retired. I’ve been inspired by her success, and I too work to positively impact the banking industry and open doors for others.

What also drew me to banking was the variety of roles it offers, ranging from retail to HR to marketing to commercial to investments and trust. There’s no shortage of opportunities within banking, and I liked that I could try my hand at a variety of roles until I found one that felt like me.

What attracted you to Country Club Bank?

The Thompson family, the bank leadership, and the opportunity to work with and learn from highly professional and well-respected bankers drew me to Country Club Bank. I wanted to surround myself with those who are more experienced so I can continue to learn and grow.

What has been one of your biggest accomplishments during your years at Country Club?

One of my most significant accomplishments was acting as a co-leader in the bank’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) effort. Despite the challenging circumstances, the team worked hard to ensure smooth operations around the clock. I’m proud that we were able to support businesses in need during those challenging and unprecedented times.

I was also excited to play a role in the design and development of a new loan origination software platform that allows the lending team to access the stage of any loan at any point in time, streamlining the loan process.

What advice would you give other associates for achieving success at Country Club Bank?

My advice for those still early in their careers is to take your time learning your role and don’t be afraid of making lateral moves before making vertical ones. By doing so, you become even more valuable to your company by having a wider depth of knowledge. Also, say “yes” to opportunities, even if you’re scared of the unknown. Growth happens when you are uncomfortable.


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