Knowledge Center

Exclusive Medicare Guidance from SmartConnect

Medicare Guidance banner image

Country Club Bank has partnered with SmartConnect to extend free Medicare education and enrollment resources to you and your family.  This enrollment season, SmartConnect can help answer your Medicare questions and compare your current health insurance to a variety of Medicare plans.

Medicare 101 eBook

Sign up for a webinar today!

 You can use SmartConnect’s services at no cost if you're over 64 ½ in any of these situations:

  • You're currently working with no active plans to retire (either full-time or part-time)

  • You're planning to retire soon

  • You're already enrolled in Medicare

  • You're covered by a spouse's plan or a different private plan

  • You don't have health insurance

  • You've shopped for Medicare in the past

  • You've never explored Medicare

  • Your company’s Open Enrollment hasn’t begun

SmartConnect hosts educational Webinars that will teach you about Medicare so you can make a confident decision about your insurance for the upcoming year. 

When: Opportunities now through November 17, 2023.

To contact a licensed SmartMatch insurance agent directly, call: 
(855) 322-1286.


Not FDIC insured, No bank guarantee, May lose value



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