Personal Card Controls and Alerts

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Country Club Bank’s mobile banking app allows you to simply and conveniently control how, when, and where you use your debit card – and to receive alerts when your debit card is used. Think of these controls as an on/off switch for your debit card!

Once you activate these controls, you can:

  • Turn your cards on and off in real-time.
  • Control where your debit card can be used through your phone's GPS services or by selecting authorized Zip codes.
  • Control the types of merchants where your card can be used (e.g., in-store or online).
  • Receive instant push notification alerts on your phone when your debit card is used.

To get started, simply log into your mobile banking app. Next, select More from the bottom menu and then Card Controls.

Card Control Setup is easy with mobile banking!

card controls setup icon
  1. Log in to Mobile Banking and click More.
  2. Click Card Controls.
  3. Click Add to begin the setup process.

Once you’ve set up your card, you can adjust preferences for Location Controls, Transaction and Merchant Types, and Threshold Amounts.

Set up Alerts for notifications about transactions, merchants, threshold amounts and more.

card controls alerts icon
  1. Log in to Mobile Banking and click More.
  2. Click Alerts.
  3. To customize your options, select All Transactions or Choose Your Alerts.
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