
Basel III - Frequently asked questions answered by the regulators

Do you have questions about how the new Basel III rules are going to affect your bank?  You’re not alone.  The OCC, FRB, and FDIC have issued an FAQ to help get you started.  This FAQ covers issues various issues that other community banks have encountered when applying the new capital rules.  The following is a list of topics that the FAQ addresses:

·         Definition of Capital
·         High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE) Exposures
·         Other Real Estate and Off-Balance Sheet Exposures
·         Separate Account and Equity Exposures to Investment Funds
·         Qualifying Central Counterparty (QCCP)
·         Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA)
·         And a couple of other questions not covered by the above categories.
The majority of the questions help answer the issues in identifying and accounting for HVCRE.  The following link goes directly to the FAQ and supporting information. 
If the question isn’t answered with this FAQ about the new Basel III regulations, the page provides a list of contact information for your regional FDIC contact.