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Joseph T. Hughes, CPA

SVP, Trust Administrator
Direct: 816-751-9341

Joseph Hughes

Joe Hughes is a Senior Vice President and Trust Administrator with Country Club Trust Company. In Joe’s role as a Trust Administrator, he oversees the day-to-day administration and operation of various trusts, estates, charitable entities, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and investment management accounts. Joe is also actively involved in reviewing and considering estate and tax planning ideas for his clients and working with attorneys, CPAs and other professionals in structuring and implementing these plans.

Joe is a certified public accountant (CPA) who has worked more than 35 years in the area involving trusts and estates. Joe started his career working in the Tax Department of Centerre Trust Company (now Bank of America) before then working thirteen years in public accounting in St. Louis, MO concluding his time in public accounting as a Tax Manager. Joe was working as a Senior Vice President and Senior Trust Officer with U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management in St. Louis, MO and Savannah, GA, spending nearly fifteen years in this trust officer position before joining Country Club Trust Company in August 2016.

Joe is a graduate of Hendrix College in Conway, AR majoring in Business/Economics with an emphasis in Accounting. Joe is a member of the Missouri Society of CPAs (MSCPA) and the Kansas City Estate Planning Society. He was previously a member of the Georgia Society of CPAs (GSCPA), Savannah Estate Planning Council, and the Rotary Club of Savannah.

1 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64112 • 816-751-4200

Trust and Investment Services:

  • • Are not insured by the FDIC or any other federal government agency
  • • Are not deposits of, nor guaranteed by Country Club Bank, Country Club Trust Company or any of its affiliates.
  • • May lose value.

Country Club Trust Company (CCTC) is a division of Country Club Bank. CCTC does not provide legal or tax advice. For legal and/or tax advice, the services of a competent professional person or professional organization should be sought. Please also note that CCTC does not serve in a fiduciary capacity regarding all services provided such as with respect to custodial services or referrals.

Country Club Bank is an Equal Opportunity Employer